
A major EEF focus is extending the reach of filmmakers by making high impact films and speakers available to a variety of organizations - libraries, schools, organizations, etc.

EEF’s signature EcoCinema Cafe Film Festival takes place in college dining halls and other locations, often where food is allowed to maximize participation. There is a speaker after each film. Art exhibits and sustainable fashion shows and multimedia events can be incorporated into the festival. Inspiring films about people protecting their communities and special places are emphasized. We truly believe in the power of storytelling to inspire individuals. EEF mentors and provides badges for people involved in putting the festival together.

In order to share these inspiring documentaries with others, we host film festivals, bringing hundreds of people together to watch these movies and commence in intriguing discussion on important environmental topics. Some involve more than film, like our Paradigm Shift Opera festivals that weave musical performances between cinema. And we bring these fun and engaging events to many different audiences, like schools, religious centers, boy/girl scout troops, nonprofits and universities across the US and the world, sparking discussion and inspiration around the globe.

EcoCinema Cafe

EcoCinema Film Festival at Arizona State University

EEF Intern, Thomas Kisby- Marrone hosted a Harmony with Nature EcoCinema Film Festival at Arizona State University in May 2024 in collaboration with the ASU Carbon Council and Biomimicry Clubs.

The festival showcased a mix of student films from Arizona State, alongside internationally acclaimed documentaries such as Common Ground, Kiss the Ground, and Fantastic Fungi. Attendees also had the opportunity to hear from inspiring guest speakers, sparking conversations about sustainability and the power of storytelling.

EcoCinema Cafe Film Festival in India

EEF Intern, Rohit Gangwani, organized a film festival at his college in Maharashtra India. The event featured documentary screenings and discussions, showcasing impactful films such as Taking Root- The Vision of Wangari Maathai, First Gigawatt Down part 1 and 2, and the Emmy award-winning Sonic Sea. The festival provided a platform for engaging dialogue on environmental conservation and the role of media in driving change. Later he organized an online film screening of The Story of Plastic, in collaboration with Fridays For Future India.

The EcoCinema Cafe: A Legacy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City is where EEF’s EcoCinema Cafe Film Festivals first began. From 2014 to 2020, the college served as the home for the 3 day, New York City morning till night festival, providing a platform for students to engage with critical environmental issues through the lens of film. Film offerings and schedule were coordinated with faculty, many of whom brought their entire classes and many also offered extra credit to student who attended films on their own. The festival was held in the Student Dining Hall. Snacks were provided, and there was a speaker after each film.

Over the years, the EcoCinema Cafe has left a lasting impact on the John Jay community, exposing countless students to new perspectives on sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice. The festival regularly attracted a diverse lineup of guest speakers, from filmmakers and environmental activists to professors and community leaders, creating enriching dialogues and inspiring action.

Art exhibits were incorporated into the festival, as well as music and dance!

Students and attendees alike praised the festival for its thought-provoking content, which not only entertained but also challenged their understanding of global environmental challenges. The enthusiasm and passion generated by these events have made EcoCinema Café a beloved tradition

EEF as a Film Festival Incubator: Paradigm Shifts Film and Music Festival

EEF mentored and provided support for Encompass New Opera Theatre to develop and launch their ongoing Paradigm Shifts Music and Film Festival - featuring accomplished musicians and gripping documentaries celebrating true stories of courageous people from around the world who are preserving and protecting our planet, oceans,wildlife, and sacred lands. Each film is paired with a musical performance with genres from opera to Native American, classical to Haitian. All performances and showings are tied together by the thread of environmental action, and the celebration of the use of various mediums to represent this.

This film festival has annually brought many passionate environmentalists and artists together since 2014, all connected through the passion to protect our environment and bring unique methods of expressing the urgency for this cause.

EcoCinema Cafe Film Festivals

Aiden’s Butterflies

Your donations make all of this possible.